Put videos in every product, to explain how the item work or how it is.



  • Stoneponies

    Bonanza does allow sellers to post video links in the item descriptions. I have done this using videos from my YouTube and Google Photos accounts. When the buyer clicks on the link, it opens up another window to view the video.

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  • EmpressDepot

    Doesn't it give a warning Stoneponies when the link is clicked on within the listing....something similar as "you are about to leave Bonanza." It used to be the case and it scares potential buyers.


    If so, I think a link is a great idea that does not give this message to the interested shopper.

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  • Roses_Quilts_Gifts

    Anyone know the answer to this question. As yes when I get this notice on a link I just do not go to it.

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