More shipping/country flexiblity for sellers shipping from outside the USA (and probably from inside the USA too).
Shipping really matters to both sellers and buyers.
The country options for shipping in Bonanza are very limited.
E.g. North and South America have been clubbed together as one.
Europe is clubbed together as one.
As a seller outside the USA, the country groupings offered for p&p really don´t work.
Sending an item to Canada, is a different cost than to the USA, which again is different in every single country in Latin America, currently grouped as N & S America.
Ditto Europe. Sending to France is a very different price than to Sweden.
Can anything be done to make this more flexible for sellers not based in the USA, but probably would be more flexible for sellers inside the USA too?
As an alternative example, in Etsy, shipping is set within each product listing. Countries can be grouped together or can be listed separately. The same shipping details can be used for multiple listings or can be edited and then saved again. The prices shown are either fixed or free. There is the option to put in another fixed free for the next item on multiple buys. It is not 100% accurate but it is much more flexible than the system offered by Bonanza, which quite honestly I have found baffling and nonsensical.
Thanks for your consideration.
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