Bonanza App



  • Official comment

    Thanks for the feedback about the app. We hear you! We are already working on a new app for Bonanza. We don't have an estimated launch date yet.

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  • bonzuser_lnrut

    I was looking for a Bonanza app...and also, not finding one.  

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  • FoothillsVintage_

    I can’t believe that you do not have an app I was going to get my store up and running again but have second thoughts now since there is no app 

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  • Nyx_Saighdiuir

    Also wanting an app. Was sad to see there is not one available which makes it harder for browsing :(

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  • HeirloomseedsforU

    Need a app for Iphone.  I have stores on ebay and etsy and its alot easier to know when you make a sale.  What is the ETA for app?????

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  • stewmart

    Add my vote for an app to the talley.

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  • Jamil609

    Add my vote in too.

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  • TheMages

    I would be very happy with a mobile app. It would make life easier for those who need to move around. I spend a lot of time in the bush looking  for herbs, and cannot possibly carry my computer with me.

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  • PetsAndImagination

    A mobile app would be a HUGE benefit for sellers on the platform to be able to list and take orders more efficiently. I know I can use a mobile browser, but that's not the same.

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  • FubarShirts_com

    I love how Bonanza ignores all of these posts asking for an app... does Bonanza even care?

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