Bonanza hosts all kinds of sellers - from individuals cleaning out their closets to mom-and-pop small businesses to large enterprises with multiple warehouses. That's why we offer a variety of features to support your business needs. Our newest addition to the shipping settings is allowing up to three "Ships From" addresses in your account. Being able to accurately communicate where your items ship from sets the right expectation for buyers when they make a purchase from your Bonanza booth, improving the overall experience. Read below to learn more about setting multiple "Ships From" addresses for your items.
Creating Additional "Ships From" Addresses
You can add additional "Ships From" addresses in your shipping profiles. Visit your "Selling > Booth settings" page and select the "Shipping & returns" tab.
The main address that the majority of your items ship from should be listed in the "Items ship from" field. Any listings which do not have a shipping profile assigned to them will default to this "Ships From" address.
To add additional "Ships From" addresses, scroll down to the "Shipping profiles" section, then click the link to "Add a shipping profile." Note that if you have already created a shipping profile, you can edit it to add a new address.
To add a new address, click the radio button for "New address," then enter the shipping address in the appropriate fields.
Fill in the remainder of the shipping details, then scroll down to the Save Shipping Profile button to finish creating your shipping profile.
Now that your shipping profile has been created, be sure to save all the changes on your "Shipping & returns" page before navigating away.
How Do I Apply a Shipping Profile to my Listings?
All listings will default to the main "Items ship from" address entered on your "Shipping & returns" page unless you apply a shipping profile that contains an alternate address to the listing.
From the New Item Form: After you have created a shipping profile, you will be able to apply it from the new item form under the section where you set your shipping preferences for your item (e.g., the list where you pick "flat rate," "calculated", etc.). Click the link to "Apply a saved shipping profile" and you will be able to select your preferred shipping profile from the drop-down. When you pick a shipping profile, all of the information you filled out in that shipping profile will be copied to the item.
From the Batch Editor: Go to the "Selling > Batch edit items" page and select the "Shipping" tab on the left side of the toolbox at the top of the page. Select the listings you would like to apply the shipping profile to, and use the "Assign shipping profile" option in the toolbox. Select your preferred shipping profile and apply the change to your listings. As mentioned above, this action will delete any existing shipping information associated with said items, so use it with caution.
How do I remove an inactive address?
Currently, Bonanza supports two alternate shipping addresses in addition to your default Items Ship From address. If you no longer use a shipping location, you can remove it to add a new "Ships From" address. On your "Selling > Booth settings > Shipping & returns" page you will see a list of secondary addresses. Next to the stored one you no longer use, click the "Deactivate address" link. Be sure to save your changes.