Sellers can send invoices for items within their Bonanza booths to potential buyers. Invoices should only be sent to buyers that have expressed interest in a seller's items.
To get started, click on the "Selling" link in the upper left-hand corner of any page. Select the "Orders" tab, then click "Create invoice."
Creating invoices
Select the item(s) from your list of products located at the bottom of the page, then hit the green "Add items to invoice" button. Whatever items you add will be included in the offer to the buyer.
Using the form at the top of the page, fill in the remaining fields.
Send invoice to
Begin typing the buyer's username in the blank field. Be sure to select the buyer's username from the drop-down when it appears. You will see a green check mark next to the username once it has been successfully selected. Your offer will be sent to the Bonanza user you select in this field.
Total Price
The amount entered in this field is the total cost the buyer will pay for the item(s) included in the invoice. This includes:
- Cost of the included item(s)
- Shipping
- Tax
Bonanza will automatically enter the cost of your item(s) in this field. Be sure to adjust pricing to include any additional costs, such as shipping and/or tax, prior to sending the invoice to the buyer.
Message to buyer
Here you can include a personalized message to the buyer. Whatever text you enter in this field will be included on the invoice.
Submitting invoices
After you have filled in the appropriate fields, click the green "Send invoice" button to send the invoice to the buyer. You must review and agree to the terms before the invoice is sent. If you need to make adjustments, click the "Cancel" button to return to the Create Invoice page.
Once the invoice is sent, Bonanza will notify the buyer via email and will display the offer in the buyer's Bonanza account. Note that buyers are not required to accept a seller's offer. If the buyer does accept the offer, you agree to sell the included items for the price stated on the invoice.