Bonanza is like an online shopping mall that connects buyers and sellers from all over the world to transact directly. Bonanza does not produce, house or ship any inventory; instead, each seller lists their items for sale, and buyers purchase goods straight from the seller. If you have a question about an item you've found on Bonanza, you will want to contact the seller directly for more information.
How can I contact the seller before I make a purchase?
Most sellers will include the pertinent information about their items in the listing description. If you can't find the information you need to move forward with completing your purchase, use the "Contact the seller" button on the item listing page to contact the seller directly. Please note that you must have a Bonanza account in order to contact sellers on our site.
How will I know when the seller responds to my question?
Sellers in our community span a wide variety of locations and business hours. Typically, a seller will respond to buyer inquiries within 24-48 hours. Bonanza will send a copy of the seller's reply to your registered email address. You can also view messages in your Bonanza account by hovering your mouse over the "Account" link in the upper left-hand corner of any page and selecting "Messages" from the drop-down.