Bonanza's Instagram has always been focused on highlighting our sellers' items. Currently, we search Bonanza for high quality photos from our sellers. However, since Bonanza strives to empower sellers, we would like to open up our Instagram to your submissions. Bonanza will always have the final say in what gets posted to our Instagram account, but we will do our best to set you up for success by providing detailed instructions. Photos will be selected based on quality and adherence to the rules and guidelines below.
- Submissions will be accepted through emailing
- Please only submit up to one photo at a time. If you do not receive a response within 7 days, you may submit a new photo.
- Photos may not contain any text or watermarks.
- Each seller may have a maximum of one photo selected per month.
- Along with the photo, you must submit the following:
- Recommended caption (Bonanza may change the caption, but we will always tag your profile)
- Link to your Instagram
- Link to the item you are submitting on
- Relevant hashtags to be included
Accepted items will be added to Bonanza's Instagram Gift Guide.
Follow our Instagram for examples of the types of photos we post!
- Photo should highlight the product being sold but may contain other items or products which might enhance the photo
- While products with a white background are great for selling, they are less ideal on Instagram and are not likely to be accepted
- The best photos are often taken while the product is in use, e.g:
- Fashion: A person wearing the item
- Home & Garden: A framed painting hanging on a wall
Additional Tips:
Perfecting Your Item Images
10 Tips for Unique Product Photography
How to Take Good Instagram Photos
Beginner's Guide to Product Photography
Get Inspired:
Katie George Macrame
Alex Brown
Bruno's Boutique
MOBS Design Shoes
Rules and Guidelines are subject to change as the process evolves and improves. We appreciate any and all feedback!