Bonanza and PayPal have partnered together to provide buyers a seamless resolution experience in the unlikely event something should go wrong with an order. US-based buyers who checked out using PayPal as the payment processor can file disputes directly in Bonanza's Order Resolution Center.
PayPal may require additional information or evidence in order to investigate a claim. In these cases, buyers will see a "You have a new message from PayPal" banner at the top of the Bonanza Order Resolution Center. This help page provides additional details regarding the type of information PayPal requires in order to process a claim that has been opened in the Bonanza Order Resolution Center.
Items Not Received (INR)
If PayPal has requested additional evidence for items not received, that indicates the seller has provided proof of shipment or a tracking number indicating that the item was delivered.
- If you've received the item(s), you may cancel the claim
- Log into your PayPal account to see if the seller has provided tracking information to show the package is en-route to your location
- Contact your local post office to confirm the package is not being held for pickup
- Otherwise, use the text box to let PayPal know the item was not received or that you do not have tracking information
Significantly Not as Described (SNAD)
If PayPal has requested additional evidence for items significantly not as described, we recommend providing the following evidence:
- Full details explaining how the item received differs from what was described in the product listing (different item, wrong color/size, etc.)
- Photographs of the item received
- Extent of damage to the product (broken, missing parts, etc.)
- Proof of return shipment (if applicable)
- Proof that shipping company refused to ship product (item severely damaged or dangerous to ship)
- Documentation from an unbiased third-party or law enforcement agency indicating the item received was not as described
- Be sure that any photographs or documentation submitted are clear, legible and visible.
If you have questions about what evidence you should be providing, contact us at for further assistance.