Bonanza is an online marketplace connecting buyers and sellers to transact directly. Bonanza does not produce, house or ship any items; instead, sellers are responsible for shipping their goods straight to the buyer.
Each seller on Bonanza sets their own shipping speeds and handling timelines. Once the seller has marked your order as shipped, you will receive an email from Bonanza notifying you that your package is on its way. If the seller has provided a tracking number, your shipping confirmation email will also include that information along with any shipping notes provided by the seller so you can view your package's progress to your destination.
You can also view any tracking information provided by the seller at the bottom of your order summary. Log into the Bonanza account and point your mouse over the "Account" link in the upper left-hand corner of any page, then select "Recent purchases" from the drop-down. Locate the order summary and your tracking details and shipping notes will be displayed at the bottom of the order.
If you haven't received tracking information and your item has not arrived by the estimated delivery date, you can use the "Where's my package" link under your order summary to contact the seller for more information regarding the status of your order.
This link can also be accessed from your order confirmation email. Please note that this link can only be clicked one time.
You can also send the seller a direct message to get more information about shipping and the estimated arrival date by clicking the "Send them a message" or "Contact seller" links from your order summary or confirmation email.