Learning who is buying from you -- and what paths they are traveling to find your items -- can be an invaluable tool in knowing where to spend your listing efforts, and how well your promotional efforts are working.
You can review booth and item statistics from your "Selling > Booth stats" page.
Traffic Sources
Where did people come from before buying your items? Some possible places:
- Google (organic): An organic Google search; i.e., a search where the user simply types a search query into Google and they were presented with your item as a result. This can be a bit misleading, since sometimes Google organic searches will include a preview of three Google Shopping results -- in this case, the entrance would technically be an "organic" hit, though it occurred because of your Google Shopping listing. Google's placement of your item is generally determined by the number of unique keywords in your item title and description.
- Google (Shopping): Google Shopping search. One of Bonanza's advertising partners and a major source of traffic to the site. After your items are present on Google Shopping, you can increase their positioning by adding item traits and Google attributes, and offering free shipping.
- Direct / bonanza.com: The buyer found your item after visiting Bonanza directly.
- Email: A buyer entered Bonanza and bought your items after receiving an email that led them here.
- Others: If not the above, we'll still give you the name of the site that the buyer came from (i.e., your blog, your web page, an outside forum, etc.)
Detailed Reports
Click the "See detailed report" button for a closer look at your traffic sources and converted sales. You can view stats from the last 60, 30 or 7 days to identify buyer trends and top traffic sources.