All users (both buyers and sellers) have an account. Your account settings are where you can create your username, set your password, enter your contact info (email, mailing address) and set your notification preferences. To access your account settings, hover your mouse over the "Account" link and click "Account settings" from the drop-down. Use the navigation tool bar to the left side of the page to review and edit your other options.
Your booth settings are where you go to add and edit items, set your advertising options, link payment options, create coupons, and more. Only sellers have a booth. You can access your booth settings by pointing your mouse over the "Selling" link in the upper left-hand corner of any page and selecting "Booth settings" from the drop down. Use the navigation tabs at the top of the page to manage your booth settings. Be sure to save any changes you make prior to navigating away from any given page.