Our sellers depend on feedback from customers like you to help them improve their business. Once a purchase is completed on Bonanza, the buyer can rate their experience to let the seller and other buyers know how the transaction went.
Leaving Feedback
Editing Feedback
One-Click Feedback
Feedback Rules
Leaving Feedback
Buyers can leave feedback for a seller from the expected delivery date up until 60 days after a purchase is complete. If we can't estimate a delivery date for your package, you can leave feedback as early as 3 days after the purchase is complete. When logging into your Bonanza account, you will see a notification on your Account Dashboard indicating there is feedback to be left. Click on the "Feedback" tab on the navigation dashboard, then select the "To Add" tab to access any feedback that still needs to be left for your completed transactions.
You can also leave feedback for your purchase using the link at the bottom of your order summary.
Bonanza uses a 5-star feedback system. Select the appropriate feedback rating by clicking the number of stars that best represent your purchasing experience. You must include a comment in order to submit the feedback.
Hide order details
You may choose to hide your item order details for privacy purposes, but keep in mind that showing item details provides useful context for other buyers.
Leave private feedback
If set to private, your rating will be hidden from public view and will not factor into the seller's overall feedback rating. Bonanza admins and the seller will be able to see the rating. This provides the seller with the opportunity to improve their business practices.
Editing Feedback
If you had a not-so-great buying experience, we recommend first contacting the seller directly by using the "Send them a message" button in the order summary on your "Account > Recent purchases" page so that the seller has a chance to make it right. Most of the time (like, 99.9% of the time), sellers on Bonanza will work with you to resolve your issue.
One, two and three-star feedback can be edited one time on Bonanza. If you are able to reach a satisfactory resolution with the seller, you can edit your feedback rating and comment to reflect a positive experience.
On the Account Dashboard, select the "Feedback" tab, then click "For others" to locate feedback you've previously left regarding completed transactions.
Use the "Revise this feedback" link to edit the feedback rating and comment. Click the green "Update feedback" button to submit your changes.
Four and five-star feedback ratings cannot be edited, however, buyers will still have the option to revise the feedback comment for feedback regardless of what star rating they selected.
If you inadvertently left a seller feedback which cannot be revised, please contact our support team with more details and we'll be happy to assist.
One-Click Feedback
If a buyer has not left feedback for a seller within 30 days of the purchase date, Bonanza will automatically send an email to the buyer so that they can easily submit one-click feedback regarding the transaction. There is no log-in required. Simply click on the appropriate feedback rating from your computer or smart device and you're done!
One-click feedback can be edited later in your Bonanza account.
Feedback Rules
- Users must have an active, registered Bonanza account in order to leave feedback for a transaction.
- Feedback can be left between 3-60 days after the purchase is complete.
- Users can only edit feedback from a one, two or three-star rating to a four or five-star rating. Four and five-star ratings cannot be edited at a later time. If you have inadvertently left a positive rating for a user, please contact support@bonanza.com for assistance.
- Feedback can only be edited one time.
- Feedback can only be left by users involved in a transaction.
- Seller feedback can only be left by legitimate buyers. Sellers are not permitted to open additional accounts and purchase their own items in order to leave feedback. This applies to orders which are in "Awaiting checkout" status and refunded orders placed under a linked user account.
- Feedback must be free of profanity and threats.
- Bonanza reserves the right to remove any illegitimate feedback from a user's profile.
- Sellers may not require buyers to leave, remove or revise feedback in exchange for the following:
- Receiving the purchased item
- Issuing a full or partial refund
- Monetary compensation
- Additional items
- Other goods or services not included in the original listing
- Buyers may not threaten to use negative feedback in an attempt to force a seller into providing the following:
- Goods or services that weren't included in the original item's description or purchase price
- A return, refund, or replacement item not covered by the original listing or seller's return and exchange policies