Some sellers accept price negotiations, or "Best offers." If the seller accepts offers, this option will be indicated by an "OBO" option next to the listing price.
Once you've found the set of stuff you want/need/can't live without, click the green "Add To Cart" button at the top of the item listing page. When you're done shopping, click on the cart icon in the upper-right corner of any page to see the items you've added to your cart and complete checkout. It should look something like this:
If the seller has set a "Buy it Now" price, you can complete checkout with your preferred payment method offered by the seller at the listed price. However, if you wish to submit a price proposal, use the "Make an offer" link in the lower right corner of the order summary on your cart page. This will allow you to name your own price. Offer prices include the item(s), shipping and taxes. Be sure to submit a reasonable offer price; otherwise, the seller is likely to deny your offer.
If you just bought the item, congratulations! You're well on your way to getting the item of your dreams! If you sent an offer to negotiate with the seller, you can expect to hear back from them soon. How exciting!
What if I want to cancel my offer?
You can cancel your offer at any time prior to the seller accepting. Log into your Bonanza account and click on the "Account" link in the upper left-hand corner of any page to visit your account dashboard. Select the "Purchases" tab from the toolbar on the left side of the page, then click "Open offers."
Locate the offer, then click the red "Cancel offer" button on the bottom-right side of the order summary. Confirm that you would like to cancel the offer.