Introduction to the eBay Importer
Where can I find the eBay importer?
What kinds of listings does the importer import?
How do I import auctions items?
What doesn't the item importer import? What are the current limitations?
Will my listing data be revised during each sync?
Can I select the items I want to import from eBay?
Does the item importer bring my pictures to Bonanza?
How long will it take for my items to import?
Will my listings be posted for sale once the import is complete?
Does it cost anything for me to import my eBay items?
Is there a maximum number of listings that can be imported?
My items have completed importing, and a bunch of them need to be edited. Any tips?
Can I import items from more than one eBay account?
Does the importer remove items from Bonanza if they're no longer available on eBay (and vice versa)?
How can I cancel my current automatic sync or revise my settings?
Introduction to the eBay Importer
The eBay importer is your friend in the importing business. It will grab all of your active listings from eBay and copy them into your Bonanza booth, with as much detail as it can gather (title, description, price, shipping information, pictures, and category are all usually grabbed, with some exceptions). Importing items from eBay is free and usually is completed within a few hours, though sometimes can take as long as 24-48 hours, depending on how many items are being imported and how many imports are in the queue.
Where can I find the eBay importer?
You can access the eBay import page by hovering your mouse cursor over the "Selling" link (upper left side of each page, just above the Bonanza logo) and selecting the "Import from eBay" link from the drop down menu. You can also find the same link on your main booth page (where you add/edit items).
This page has detailed instructions on how to connect your eBay account for import.
What kinds of listings does the importer import?
The eBay importer can import standard eBay listings, either auctions or fixed priced listings, which have been fully indexed on eBay. Instructions for importing auctions can be found in the "How do I import auctions?" section below. You can read more about items that won't import in the eBay importer limitations section.
How do I import auction items?
- Visit your "Selling > Import from eBay" page and scroll down to the "Item Price and Status" section under the eBay Import Settings
- To import auctions, check the box to "Import auctions without a "Buy it Now" price." See below for limitations.
- Click the green button to "Start your eBay Import"
If you have already initiated an import without selecting your preferred import options, you must click the button to edit your current sync settings to specify your preferences and re-start the import.
What doesn't it import? What are the known limitations of the eBay importer?
There are a couple known areas where the eBay importer is currently limited:
- Starting bid price imported for auction listings. Since the true/best price of an item listed in auction format is unknown, we don't try to guess at the price of your auction items. The importer will copy the starting bid price set for the auction as the "Buy it Now" price. Your best bet is to set their price using the batch editor after importing your items.
- Global Shipping does not import. If your items were setup to use global shipping the international shipping settings will not update, you can set those through the batch editor after your import completes.
- Advanced HTML descriptions can be abbreviated or dropped. eBay and Bonanza have somewhat different rules for what HTML is okay and what HTML isn't. In some cases, HTML will be modified when the item is saved on Bonanza. Very complex HTML may be ignored altogether when importing items. We attempt to train the eBay importer about these new formats on a case-by-case basis, so if this happens to you, you can contact and we will review the formatting of your listings as time allows.
- Seller/condition notes. eBay does not send seller or condition notes with the import data. We recommend including pertinent information regarding the listing condition in the item description, as the listing description will be imported from eBay.
- Item SKUs. The SKU on eBay is not a public field that is transferred to Bonanza in the import data feed. Sellers can manually add the SKU to their listing after importing to Bonanza, or use the CSV importer to upload their inventory including the SKU field.
- Combined Shipping Discounts do not import. Combined Shipping discounts on eBay must manually be set for your Bonanza booth using the "Edit booth options" page.
- Listings posted only on international eBay sites. Listings must be active on (US version of the site) in order to use the importer function. If your items are posted on an international eBay site (AU, UK, etc), you may wish to consider importing to Bonanza using a CSV file.
- Listings which have not yet been fully indexed on eBay. It can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours for a newly listed item to be fully indexed on eBay. The importer cannot grab items and copy them to your Bonanza booth until the listings have been indexed on eBay. If your booth is set up to automatically sync, the item will be copied to your booth during the following sync once your item has been fully indexed on eBay.
- Listings with duplicate titles. Bonanza does not permit duplicate listings (instead, use the inventory control field on the item edit page to indicate there is more than one quantity available). To ensure sellers do not inadvertently violate Bonanza's duplicate listing policy, the importer will skip items which have duplicate titles. We recommend ensuring all listings have unique titles on eBay prior to importing to Bonanza.
- Non-English listings. If you are using a program like Webinterpret to translate your listings into other languages, Bonanza will only import the English-language version of the listing. Non-English language listings will not be imported from
- Unsold listings. Unsold folder listings will not import.
Will my listing data be revised during each sync?
By default, subsequent item imports will only pay attention to items that were added to your eBay account since the last eBay import.
If you're making changes to your listings on eBay after you've already imported them to Bonanza and want those changes to show on your Bonanza listings, then you'll want to indicate that the importer should override existing items.
- Scroll down to the "New and Revised items" section under the eBay Import Settings
- Select the option to "Import new items and override existing items"
- This option may add significant time to your import
- Any edits you made to your previously imported listings on Bonanza will be lost; use this option with caution!
The 'override existing' option will only apply to one-off imports or the very first import of an ongoing 'sync'. Subsequent syncs will revert back to importing new items only. You must edit your import settings prior to each sync to indicate the importer should revise previously imported items once changes have been made to your listings on eBay.
Please note that the revise option will not update listing images. If you are manually changing the image on eBay after an item has been imported to Bonanza, you must manually update the image on Bonanza, as well.
Can I select the items I want to import from eBay?
The eBay importer will import all your items, but it is to remove items en masse from your Bonanza booth after they've been imported. Instead of deleting the listings, we recommend setting them to "reserve". That way, they won't be visible to buyers and they won't be identified as "new" and re-import over and over.
You have the option to indicate that items should not be posted until you manually approve them in your advanced import options if you wish to remove any listings prior to posting your items for sale.
- Under the eBay Import Settings section, click the link to "Show more import options."
- Set the drop down to post items for sale to your preferred timeframe
Does it import my pictures?
Yes, the importer will import the first four pictures that it can find associated with your item.
Our eBay importer will only bring over the main image when importing each listing for the first time. Then, within 24 hours, the rest of the images will be imported.
How long will it take for my items to import?
Once your job is "In Progress," the time it will take to finish importing depends on the number of items in your eBay store. It can range from a couple minutes if you have 10-20 items, to several hours if you have thousands or if there are other imports in the queue ahead of you. You do not need to stay logged into your account during the import; your items will import whether you're logged into Bonanza or not.
Will my listings be posted for sale once the import is complete?
By default, your listings will automatically be posted for sale to your active Bonanza booth once the import is complete. If you prefer to review your listings after the import prior to posting them for sale in your booth, you can do so by updating your import settings on the "Selling > Import from eBay" page. In your "eBay import settings" box, click the link to "Show more import options," then select your preferred post time from the drop-down menu and save the changes.
Does it cost anything for me to import my eBay items?
Nope, nada. You will only be charged final value fees on Bonanza, and only then if you sell your items here.
Is there a maximum number of listings that can be imported?
The maximum number of listings allowed in a booth is 75,000. Titan and Titan Ad Pro members can list up to 100,000 items.
My items have completed importing, and a bunch of them need to be edited. Any tips?
Yes! Use our batch editor (Selling > Batch edit items) to change the price, category, shipping, description or any number of other fields en masse.
Can I import items from more than one eBay account?
Yes. Once you have connected an account, click the button to "Connect another eBay account" and log into your other account to accept the terms and connect for import. Note that if you have the automatic sync turned on for your account, you must cancel your current sync before you can connect another account.
To change the account you are importing from, cancel your current sync and select the account you wish to import from, then click the green button to Start your eBay Import.
The eBay importer can only connect to and import from one eBay account at a time, so you will need to manage your inventory manually if you have multiple accounts connected for importing.
For smooth inventory synchronization, we recommend opening additional Bonanza booths to import and sync with your other eBay accounts. To open a second booth, you will need another email address. Once you have that, log out of your current account, and then, instead of logging back in, click the "Register" link in the top right corner of the page.
Does the importer remove items from Bonanza if they're no longer available on eBay (and vice versa)?
By default, we keep your items synchronized between your eBay and Bonanza stores over time.
When an item is removed from your eBay store (because it is sold, was delisted, expired, etc), we can remove it from your Bonanza store automatically so you only sell merchandise that's in stock. Note that if you set the listing to "Out of Stock" status on eBay, it will not be automatically removed from your Bonanza account since that is still an active state on eBay. You must manually delete "Out of Stock" listings from your Bonanza account, or move them to "Reserved" status.
You can select to remove items that have sold or ended, remove items that are no longer present on eBay for any reason (e.g, "Item expired"), or never remove imported items from Bonanza.
If you find that inactive eBay items are still listed on your Bonanza account, we recommend running a Booth Cleanup to remove those listings. By default, the booth cleanup will only remove inactive eBay items that are in "For Sale" or "Ready for sale" status on Bonanza. To also remove inactive eBay items in "Reserved" status, be sure to select the "Remove Reserved Bonanza listings that are inactive on eBay" option. Click the "Remove with next sync" button to initiate the booth cleanup.
Sellers can choose to remove listings from eBay when they have sold on Bonanza under the "More import options" section (if you currently have the importer setup to sync your listings, you must cancel the sync before you can revise your settings). Select the option to "Update the item quantity on eBay after a Bonanza sale" then start your import to save those settings. If you only have one of the item posted on eBay, we will end the listing where eBay permits it.
How can I cancel my current automatic sync or revise my settings?
Once you've initiated a sync, you can edit your settings or cancel your automatic synchronization. Visit your "Selling > Import from eBay" page and scroll to your Current Import Settings. Click the button to edit your sync settings or cancel your sync altogether. If the green "Start your eBay Import" button is showing, that means the automatic sync is currently turned off. If you wish to remove the connection altogether, you must do so from your eBay account by revoking the third-party authorization for Bonanza.