You can use the batch editor to set different shipping rates to one or more international locales. To access the batch editor, point your mouse over the "Selling" link in the upper left-hand corner of any page, then select "Batch edit items" from the drop-down. Currently, sellers can offer free, flat-rate or calculated shipping for international locations.
Setting Calculated shipping
Sellers who ship from the United States can set calculated shipping for international buyers (i.e, buyers residing outside of the US). This feature is not currently available for sellers whose items ship from outside of the US. If you ship from outside of the US and are looking to set international shipping, read below for information on how to set Free or Flat-Rate shipping.
To set calculated shipping, visit the batch editor and click on the "Shipping" tab to the left side of the toolbox at the top of the page. Click "Add international shipping service," then select the "Calculated" option. Choose your shipping carrier from the drop-down menu. Bonanza currently supports calculated shipping for USPS, UPS or FedEx. Select the locations you're willing to ship to, then select the items you're able to ship to those destinations and apply the change.
Setting Flat-Rate shipping for multiple locations
To show how this works, let's say that we wanted to setup our item to ship to Mexico for $3, to everywhere else in North and South America for $5, and to Europe at a price we'll specify in the item description. Here's how you would do it:
- Click the radio button for "Add international shipping service" then select "Flat rate." Click the checkbox for "N & S America" and enter "5" in the cost field. Pick the item(s) it applies to from the list of items. Click "Apply changes".
- Click the radio button for"Add international shipping service" then select "Flat rate." Click the checkbox for "Mexico" and enter "3" in the cost field. Pick the item(s) it applies to from the list of items. Click "Apply changes".
- Click the radio button for"Add international shipping service" then select "Flat rate." Click the checkbox for "Europe" and leave the cost field blank. Pick the item(s) it applies to from the list of items. Click "Apply changes".
After you're done, your item should look something like this:
A couple notes are in order regarding what just happened. Firstly, the order in which you set up your international shipping zones doesn't matter. You could have setup Europe, then Mexico, then N & S America and received the same results.
A second note is that, when zones overlap (i.e., you set a rate for "Mexico" and "N & S America," which includes Mexico), the best match shipping zone will be used (i.e., if they're from Mexico, it costs $3, if they're from anywhere else in North or South America, it will cost $5), so it's OK to overlap.
The "Description" box is currently unused, but someday it will presumably give the buyer more information about the shipping choice they picked.
Another probably obvious point is that if you want to set the same price for a bunch of different zones at once, you can pick the checkboxes for all zones you want to set and have them get applied in one fell swoop.
When you look at your item's listing page after applying your international shipping choices, it will still look as it did before setting up international shipping. But if you were logged in from a different country (or if you weren't logged in but your IP address suggested you were from another country), we would show you the shipping rate that had been set for that country. Also, once the item is put into a buyer's cart, we use the shipping rate you specified after the buyer has told us what country the item will ship to.
Setting Free International Shipping
Select the "Free" option and the destination(s) you're willing to ship for free to. Select the listings you wish to apply this rule to, then apply the changes. Tada!