How can I publish my Bonanza listings to eBay?
Sellers can publish listings they've posted on Bonanza to eBay via Bonanza's advertising program. To get started, point your mouse over the "Selling" link in the upper left-hand corner of any page and select "Advertise items" from the drop-down. You must select the 13% (or higher) commission level in order to unlock the option to publish your listings on eBay. Select the eBay platform, and you will be prompted to log into your eBay account to verify and authorize the connection.
What do I need to know about publishing to eBay?
When you publish items to eBay, you can either automatically post listings whenever you post an item to Bonanza, or you pick and choose specific listings to send to eBay. This can be adjusted at any time using the "Account Settings" link on the right-hand side of the eBay advertising box.
If you choose to publish your listings to eBay manually, you must scroll to the bottom of the "Selling > Advertise items" page and click the green button to "Publish to eBay" next to the listings you wish to advertise on that platform.
Bonanza publishes all items to eBay as 30-day fixed price listings. Posting items this way allows us to modify or remove the item when it is changed or sold on eBay. In general, eBay charges a $0.50 listing fee for fixed price listings, though depending on your account type you may be able to post your listings free of charge.
Please note that in some cases, eBay requires a seller's account to be at least 90 days old, or have 10 seller feedback points, before using a third-party integration (like Bonanza's) to export items to their platform. This may prevent new eBay sellers from publishing listings to eBay via Bonanza's advertising program until that threshold has been met.
When your item sells on eBay, you will be subject to eBay's standard final value fees. Bonanza charges a $0.25 transaction fee and a 1.5% final value fee for the full price of any item sold on eBay. We can automatically raise the price of your item by 1.5% when we post it to eBay if you'd like to compensate for this final value fee.
How much does it cost to sell on eBay from Bonanza?
Read all about eBay's fees here.
Bonanza charges a flat 1.5% fee of the selling price for any items sold on eBay through Bonanza. When you first enable eBay publishing, you can opt to automatically increase the price of your eBay listings to cover our fee.
Why do we charge a fee to sell on eBay? Bonanza's fee covers the cost of maintaining and developing our eBay integration, and helps offset the money we spend to advertise your listing on our other shopping channels.
To unlock the option to list your Bonanza items on eBay, you must be at the Standard - 13% max fee advertising level or higher. This max fee will only apply if your item sells on Bonanza.
If I update my Bonanza listing, will my eBay listing be updated?
Yes. When you modify an item on Bonanza, we will automatically update your eBay listing within minutes.
If I update my eBay listing, will my Bonanza listing be updated?
No. We assume that you don't want to manage your inventory on two different sites. If you modify an item after we have posted it to eBay, those changes will only exist on your eBay item. If you subsequently change your Bonanza item, it will overwrite any changes you made on eBay.
What happens when my item sells? Is my inventory automatically updated?
Yes. If your item sells on Bonanza, we'll remove it from eBay, and vice versa.
Do you publish complicated features like "item variations" and "calculated shipping"?
Yes. Bonanza's categories and traits closesly (though not identically) match up to eBay's, so we are usually able to export your item exactly as it appears on Bonanza, including item variations, calculated shipping and international shipping.