Due to different categorization systems across various ecommerce sites, some items imported to Bonanza do not correctly re-map categories to match our category options. Main site category is required in order to publish a listing in your Bonanza booth. Sellers must manually set the category for items imported from sites such as Shopify or Etsy.
Fortunately, Bonanza provides a handy batch editor tool which allows sellers to quickly update their listings in bulk! Once your import is complete, point your mouse over the "Selling" link in the upper left-hand corner of any page, then select "Add or edit items" from the drop-down. At the top of the "Add or edit items" page is a message indicating that there are listings which are incomplete. Incomplete listings are missing information required to publish the item for sale in your booth. These items are denoted by a yellow dot next to the listing.
If you click the link to "Edit all your item categories here" at the top of the page, you will be brought to our batch editor so that you can update the categories for your listings in bulk. Select the listings which belong to the same category (#protip: You can use the search field to quickly filter similar items based on title or keyword) from your list of items at the bottom of the page, then select the appropriate category from the drop-down in the toolbox at the top of the page. We recommend selecting all sub-categories to ensure that your items are properly indexed in search results and can be easily found by buyers.
Once you have set the appropriate category for the selected items, use the green "Apply changes" button to update the listings. If you are updating multiple listings at a time (more than 50), it may take several moments for your request to fully process.
After the changes have been applied, your listings will move from "Incomplete" status to "For sale" and will be posted to your booth for interested buyers to purchase. If the status does not update automatically, you can manually set the listings to "For sale" status using the toolbox at the top of the "Selling > Batch edit items" page by selecting that status from the drop-down and applying the change.
Still experiencing trouble publishing your listings? Contact our Award Winning support department; we're standing by to assist you!